All change, please...

We all know that slightly bittersweet sense that the summer is drawing to a close.  We try desperately to cling on to the last few weeks, pretending against all odds that the long evenings will continue forever.  That the days are still full of promise.  But we know, deep down, that time is marching on.  September is upon us, and with it, a whisper of change is in the air. 

For some, the change is welcome.  Your children may be starting school, or moving into a new and more independent phase.  Think of the freedom ahead of you!  Maybe it's time to ponder all the possibilities this might entail...  Have you had a career break and are you considering returning to the workplace?   Is now the time to reflect on what it is that you want to achieve, or to build your family's financial stability?  Is this your chance to grasp the mantle of change with both hands and set out on a new adventure?

For others, September can feel a little dispiriting.  Whilst friends are embarking on new experiences, you may be feeling less than inspired by the return to your familiar routine.  Perhaps it's time to think about whether your current role is where you really want to be in the longer term - or even in a year's time.  Does it offer the work-life balance that's best for you as you move forwards into a new school year?  Does it enhance your life or are you chafing at the bit for further professional development or promotion?  Would a new role within your own field fit the bill, or are you thinking about a complete change of career direction? 

Change.  It's such a funny one, isn't it?  Whether the prospect of change leaves your heart fluttering with exhilaration or nervousness,  there's no doubt that change can reap huge rewards for us in the long run, both personally and professionally. Conventional wisdom says that moving jobs usually leads to significantly higher pay increases than staying put.  The improved work life balance which you can often negotiate upon changing roles is good for our health - both physical and mental.  And seizing the chance for new opportunities can be incredibly exciting.  After all, as the saying goes, a change is as good as a rest...

If you're wondering whether now's the time to embrace change, then we'd love to hear from you.  As we move towards the Autumn, our clients are themselves starting to think about new beginnings, and the need to look for new team members.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if you and your future dream team were in the right (metaphorical) place at just the right time?  Please do get in contact to chat through your thoughts and questions and to discuss how we can help - we always love to hear from you!