
Looking for flexibility and work-life balance in your fifties - An honest interview with Fiona Ravenscroft - #generationflex

Looking for flexibility and work-life balance in your fifties - An honest interview with Fiona Ravenscroft - #generationflex

“Whenever I walk through the door at home I am out of office, then when I walk through the door at work I am 100% at work…This is easy as long as you are not addicted to your smartphone!”

Build Your Confidence by Anna Morris of First Focus Consultants

Confidence is a funny thing, we can be super confident in one area of our lives, yet crumble and feel nervous, or worse, terrified at the prospect of facing other situations.  The key thing to being confident is EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE…

7 Steps to deliver your best interview YET!

To round off our #25dayflexup we'll be running our first ever webinar!

We really hope that you can join us on Thursday 31st at 8pm for our online event with Jackie Meek Future Path Life Coaching. Jackie will be taking you through 7 useful steps to deliver your BEST interview yet and for those that are able to join us, you'll receive a PDF from Jackie with some brilliant interview questions so that you're fully prepared…

You’ve aced your CV and now it’s time to prepare for your interview!

Remember, this is your opportunity to shout about YOU! Here are some of the top tips that the ladies at 9-2-3 have put together based on client and candidate feedback and of course, their own professional opinion. 

Time to dust off your old CV?

If you’re starting to look for your next opportunity but are worried about how your CV is going to stand out, then fear not, the 9-2-3 team have summarised some of the best tips to help get you going…

Getting to know your strengths by Charlotte Speak @poweroftheparent

Your strengths are your superpowers and will help you move through the transition of managing work and home life. ..

#northernflex - shouting about the love of flex up North with.....

Laura Mott from @flexandthecitymcr

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1. Tell us a little about you?

I have lived in Sale, South Manchester for 8 years and love living in the North West.  I am currently a freelance social media and project manager working remotely from home.  I am a mum to an almost teenage son and a young daughter.  My husband does the school drop off, whilst I pick up and juggle most of the things in between. 

2. Your fave spot in Manchester?

Walkden Gardens.  Its a wonderful hidden gem recently named one of the top ten happiest views by Harpers Bizaar.  It's known as the maze for it's many secret "rooms" and it's the best place for an epic game of hide n seek. A little oasis in the city and a fantastic place to get away for a few mins of peace. I feel very lucky to have it on our doorstep. 

3. How would you describe your ideal working week?

To be busy, productive and organised. I distribute my work across school hours and sometimes catch up in the evenings once the kids are in bed. Planning is key as is communication, especially when working remotely with clients.  Working from home can be lonely so a perfect week would also include lunch with friends or others in the same working from home boat as me.   

4. Fave Mancunian song?

One of my favourite running songs is Charlemagne by the Blossoms.  Dont Look Back In Anger always gets me singing and I'm not ashamed to admit I love a bit of Take That (a partly Mancunian band). 

5. Why does flexible working appeal to you?

For me it's all about managing the jugglestruggle and working flexibly around family life.  But in general, it seems common sense to me that working in a way that finds a better balance between work, life and family is going to improve your mental well being and thereby empower you to approach the time you spend working in a more positive and productive manner.  I see that everyday in my work and the work of others around me. I want to be there for my kids parents evenings and assemblies but I don't believe that having children should equal the end of my career aspirations.  I can work succesfully without compromising my career goals, if given a bit of flexibility.